A video from Kerala is going viral, in which a Girl can be seen riding a horse heroically to appear for her Xth class final examination. The name of the girl is CA Krishna. She’s from Holy Grace School in Mala, Thrissur. Apparently the school trains kids in horse-riding.
A video from Kerala is going viral, in which a Girl can be seen riding a horse heroically to appear for her Xth class final examination. The name of the girl is CA Krishna. She’s from Holy Grace School in Mala, Thrissur. Apparently the school trains kids in horse-riding.
Speaking to media Krishna said: She was nurturing the hope of riding the horse to attend the Board examination for quite some time. On last day of exams, it was Social Studies paper and she chose to ride the horse to school. Many had said that it will be a risky affair to ride a horse for board exam considering the traffic and other issues. But she was determined with the decision as she rode the horse to attend her ninth standard exam.
Brilliant! Girls’ education is galloping ahead…A clip that deserves to go viral globally. This, too, is #IncredibleIndia https://t.co/y1A9wStf7X
— anand mahindra (@anandmahindra) April 7, 2019
The video was praised by Anand Mahindra, the chairman of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. He praised the girl in his tweet by saying that the video deserved to go viral. Mr. Mahindra also tweeted claiming it to be “Incredible India.” In another of his tweet, Mr. Mahindra called the girl her hero and wanted to have a picture of hers as he wanted to save that as a screensaver. It was not just Mr. Mahindra but other users also shower their praise on the teenage girl by tweeting. The girl really deserves applause and praise from everyone as she had an impeccable skill of horse riding.