Dogs are generally good-natured creatures. After all, wooing humans for food and shelter was in their best interests as they evolved. While each dog has its own personality, some breeds are naturally more sociable than others. Here are the top 5 most friendly, loyal, brave dog breeds for seniors.
The Maltese are a friendly and fearless dog breed that greets everyone as a friend. Their opulent white coat gives them the appearance of haughty nobility, but appearances can be deceiving.
Elegant, confident, and astute. The Poodle is an impressive dog, as evidenced by the numerous best-in-show winners in this dog breed. However, beneath the blue ribbons, impressive hairdos, and regal demeanor, you’ll find an affectionate family dog with a long history and a variety of skills.
Poodles are considered to be one of the world’s most intelligent breeds. They’re easy to train and adapt to almost any task you give them — and you’ll want to give them tasks to do.
Beagles are energetic companions for both children and adults. This dog breed is happy and playful, but because they are hounds, they can be stubborn and require patient, creative training techniques.
The now-tiny Pomeranian has a long and interesting history as a descendant of large sled dog breeds. The foxy-faced dog, dubbed “the little dog who thinks he can,” is compact, active, and capable of agility and obedience competitions as well as being a family friend.
Australian Cattle Dog
The Australian Cattle Dog is a breed of dog that is intelligent, active, and strong. They were created by Australian settlers to handle large herds of cattle on vast ranches, and they are still used as a herding dog today. They enjoy having a job to do and participating in all of the family’s activities.