A young woman in Pratapgarh city in Uttar Pradesh’s Prayagraj called off her wedding after the groom and his friends arrived inebriated at the wedding venue. The groom’s family then approached the police to try to persuade her to change her mind about marrying him, but she refused.
Initially, the bride and her family chose to close their eyes to the unwelcoming surroundings. However, just before the varmala ceremony, things went from bad to worse. The groom apparently forced the bride to dance, and when she refused, he became enraged and caused a commotion. The bride, enraged by the misbehavior, decided to call off the wedding.
The baratis, including the groom, were then taken captive by her relatives. According to a report in The Times of India, they demanded the return of the gifts and cash they had provided to the groom’s family.
The police were dispatched to the area to help handle the situation. When the groom’s family decided to return the money and other valuables to the woman’s family, the situation was resolved.
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