Ranveer Singh’s most anticipated movie is yet to be made- Kabir Khan’s 83. This film is a biopic of living legendary cricketer Kapil Dev, will show his journey from his childhood days to the time he held the 1983 World Cup at Lords (London ) defeating the West Indians as the Indian World Cup Cricket team Captain.
While, team 83 along with Ranveer Singh and Kabir Khan will be shooting this year in August, but fans will have to wait for almost 8 months before the film hits theatres. 83 is expected to go on floor on April 10, 2020.
Right now the entire team is training. Veteran Test cricketer Balwinder Singh Sandhu is their Coach. And several cricket experts are coming in between Kapil Dev Sir, Madan Lal Sir, all the 1983 cricketers will visit them. Everyone is training for three hours, physically as well as skill training, said Kabir Khan in an interview.
The budget of this film is over Rs100 Crore, as revealed by an actor Jiiva, Tamil actor, who is playing Krish Srikkanth.
We really wish all the luck and success to Kabir Khan and 83’ team.